Thursday, January 17, 2013


For as long as I can remember, I have known that writing is something I want to be doing in my life (in one way or another). Blogs specifically, and the communities they inspire, have always fascinated me. I've always wanted to be able to thrive within this type of craft and make friends along the way, simply by talking about things I enjoy. Until now, I was always too shy to publicly post any sort of content, thinking that my musings would be far too dull and, let's be honest, crap for anybody to really take interest in.

But then 2013 rolled around and for some reason I suddenly thought, to hell with it! Let's have at it and see where it goes.

So with that I say hello and welcome to this brand new creative space on the internet where I'll hopefully succeed in not boring you to death with stories about life, beauty, books, music, movies, and anything in between. Hope to hear from you soon!

Camila x

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